Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hitchcock' s "The Lodger"

The Ocala Symphony performed Douglas Pipes' score to the Alfred Hitchcock silent film, "The Lodger."
The score is written for a reduced orchestra.  The percussion part was 25 pages long with few sections of rests.  It was quite enjoyable to cover; I was on my feet for most of the film.  The part would be easier if covered by two players but I was able to cover most of the parts by playing the chime parts on the vibes and striking the bass drum with whatever mallet I had in my hand at the time.  It calls for different sound effects including bowing of the vibes/tam tam and scraping the tam tam.  There are a few exposed snare drum parts, one which called for playing with soft (I think felt) sticks.

Notice the not ideal "tam tam on two chairs" setup.  I did strap the stand to the chair.  Don't try this at home kids.

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